My HR Solutions

Added Value through Individuality

Discover with me the key to customized HR solutions! An organization is defined by its culture, structure, processes, technology and the people who make it up.
A business analysis and organizational diagnosis examines the following aspects:
  • Corporate Culture: The values, norms, and behaviors that shape the work environment and interactions within the organization.
  • Structure: The organizational framework, including hierarchies, divisions, and responsibilities.
  • Processes: The workflows and procedures that support daily business activities and the implementation of the organization's strategy.
  • Technology: The IT systems and digital tools that ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.
  • People: The people, their talents, skills, and development opportunities, as well as talent management and retention.
  • Empowerment: The policies and strategies that empower employees to act and make decisions to improve their performance and satisfaction.

Through a comprehensive analysis of these elements, I develop strategies that address the specific needs of your employees while creating measurable value for your business. The use cases below serve as inspiration and demonstrate the potential of a customized HR strategy.

Take advantage of a free HR Health Check or a complimentary consultation to get to know me and my approach. Together, we will shape the future of your organization.

Multinational Corporations

Why Multinational Corporations choose me:

Corporations face the challenge of scaling their business strategies globally while remaining efficient. Change management and international compliance are key issues. According to a Deloitte study, 88% of executives view change management as one of their biggest challenges. In addition, according to a PwC survey, 84% of global CEOs report that compliance risks are increasing significantly.

How I help:

I provide customized HR solutions tailored to the needs of organizations. My comprehensive approach includes the development of global HR strategies and the optimization of HR processes. I place particular emphasis on leadership development, enabling managers to effectively empower their people, take ownership and act entrepreneurially. By fostering a strong corporate culture, I ensure that organizations achieve their business goals efficiently and sustainably.

What I offer:

Global Talent Acquisition and Onboarding:
Development of international recruitment strategies and standardized onboarding programs to effectively integrate new employees worldwide.

HR Process Optimization:
Analyze and improve HR processes to increase efficiency and productivity.

Leadership and Organizational Development:
Tailored development programs to enhance leadership skills and support overall organizational development.

Change Management and Transformation:
Assistance in planning and implementing transformation processes to create a sustainable culture of change.

Additional customized solutions:
Providing other customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your multinational corporation.

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Why SMEs choose me:

SMEs need to effectively manage their growth and optimize their resources. Talent management and employee retention are critical to their success. According to a study by the Institute for SME Research, 72% of SMEs face challenges in resource planning and management. Competition for talent is fierce, and employee retention and motivation are key. McKinsey reports that companies with high employee retention have 21% higher profits.

How I help:

I offer flexible and customized HR solutions that support the growth and efficiency of SMEs. I help SMEs achieve their business goals by building effective HR structures, managing talent, and implementing proven HR methodologies.

What I offer:

Targeted Talent Acquisition and Onboarding:
Assistance in building a strong employer brand and using targeted recruitment methods.

Customized onboarding programs to quickly and effectively integrate new employees.

Skills Analysis and Training:
Targeted training to address skill gaps and promote employee development.

Implementation of proven HR methodologies:
Adoption and implementation of best practices to optimize the HR function and increase efficiency.

Additional customized solutions:
Providing other customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your SME.


Why startups choose me:

Startups face the challenge of growing quickly while building their HR department. A strong company culture is critical to attracting and retaining talented employees. According to CB Insights, 23% of startups fail due to team building and recruitment issues.

How I help:

I help provide agile and customized HR solutions to support startups during their rapid growth phases. By implementing effective recruitment strategies, building solid HR core structures and developing attractive incentive systems, I help startups at every stage of development - from inception to maturity - to attract and retain talented employees and drive sustainable growth.

What I offer:

Agile hiring processes:
Fast and flexible hiring processes tailored to the dynamic needs of startups.

Efficient onboarding and organizational culture development:
Implement efficient onboarding processes, employee surveys, and culture workshops to make new hires productive quickly and foster a strong company culture.

Incentives and retention:
Develop incentive programs, such as profit-sharing plans, to help retain key employees.

Additional customized solutions:
Providing other customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your startup.

Handicraft Businesses

Why Handicraft Businesses choose me:

Handicraft businesses often struggle to find and retain qualified professionals, and they must also navigate the ever-changing, complex labor law requirements. According to a study by the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), 65% of handicraft businesses report that the shortage of skilled workers is their greatest challenge.

How I help:

I provide practical and customized HR solutions to help handicraft businesses attract and retain skilled workers. Through regional recruitment strategies, hands-on onboarding programs and comprehensive employment law advice, I help handicraft businesses manage their workforce efficiently.

What I offer:

Regional recruitment strategies and hands-on onboarding:

Development of regional recruitment strategies and partnerships with vocational schools to attract qualified professionals. Practice-oriented onboarding processes and buddy systems ensure fast and efficient integration of new employees.

Professional Development and Incentive Programs:

Targeted training and professional development programs.

Design of incentive programs to promote long-term employee retention.

Employment Law Consulting:

Assistance in complying with employment law requirements.

Legal advice to minimize risk.

Additional customized solutions:

Providing other customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your handicraft business.

This overview is a representative sample of my services.
Depending on your needs, I will find the right HR solution for you based on the detailed insights from your individual business analysis and organizational diagnosis.

In addition to the Empathy Map, I use methods such as SWOT and PESTEL analyses, the (HR) Balanced Scorecard, the McKinsey 7S model and many others.

With these customized approaches, I help you address your specific challenges and meet your unique needs. Together, we will deliver measurable value to your organization.


  • Gökhan Yilmaz, Territory President EMEA
    The collaboration with Ms. Vujinovic is distinguished by an outstanding level of performance that consistently yields excellent results. Her comprehensive expertise across all HR domains and her ability to deeply understand and accurately assess complex situations make Ms. Vujinovic an invaluable HR business partner. Additionally, I would like to emphasize her intercultural competence, which is crucial for advising and supporting me both in the EMEA region and in interactions with our headquarters in North America. Thanks to her pronounced social skills, she is able to quickly resolve challenging personnel issues and find compromises without neglecting the interests of the company. Her warm and open demeanor, combined with the necessary professionalism, has enabled Ms. Vujinovic to become a valued member of the global Wahl team in a short period of time.
  • Inez R.C. Vermeulen, Ph.D., Founder, CEO
    I am delighted to provide a glowing testimonial for Verena Vuijnovic a true standout in the field of global HR. Throughout our collaboration, she has consistently impressed me with her exceptional expertise, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to excellence. Verena possesses an unparalleled understanding of the complexities of global HR management, effortlessly navigating intricate international landscapes with grace and precision. Her keen insights into cultural nuances and local regulations have been invaluable in ensuring smooth operations across borders. What truly sets Verena apart is her unique blend of strategic vision and practical acumen. She has an innate ability to craft innovative HR solutions tailored to the specific needs of each organization, driving tangible results and long-term success. Moreover, Verena's commitment to building strong partnerships and fostering lasting relationships is truly commendable. She is a trusted advisor and a beacon of integrity, consistently going above and beyond to empower organizations to thrive in today's global landscape. In summary, I wholeheartedly endorse Verena as a top-tier professional in the global HR arena. She has my highest recommendation, and I am confident that her contributions will continue to make a profound impact on organizations worldwide.